This article contains a brief explanation about Butt muscle diagram.

Gluteus maximus muscle

butt muscle diagram

The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the buttocks.

It is thanks to this gluteus maximus that we humans can stand on two legs.

The gluteus maximus attaches to the ilium and sacrum of the pelvis.

From there, it connects to the femur of the thigh, but also to a ligament called the iliotibial band on the outside of the thigh.

So, this muscle has a slightly special function.

The iliotibial band connects to the gluteus maximus and the tensor fasciae latae muscle.

The ligaments attach across the knee joint.

So, the two muscles that are connected are accompanied by the movement of the knee joint as well as the movement of the hip joint.

Extending the knee joint puts tension on the iliotibial band, which encourages gluteus maximus function.

When the gluteus maximus tightens, the pelvis tilts backwards.

Considering the attachment part mentioned earlier, it was attached to the pelvis and femur.

If it gets hard, it will shrink, so the pelvis will be pulled. And lean back.

Leaning backwards causes back pain.

The muscles in the lower back are attached to the pelvis. However, there are many fine (small) muscles.

You can somehow understand that the gluteus maximus, which is a large muscle, has a stronger pull.

If you have a desk job, be especially careful because your pelvis is tilted backwards.

Gluteus Medius muscle

butt muscle diagram

The gluteus Medius is the outer muscle of the buttocks and is located below (inside) the gluteus maximus.

This muscle plays a major role in walking and supporting functions.

So, people who fall often or who can’t balance have weak gluteus Medius.

The gluteus Medius muscle attaches to the lateral aspect of the sacrum and ilium, and to the bulge of the femur known as the greater trochanter.

This muscle functions primarily in hip abduction and rotation depending on fiber.

In addition, since it is a gluteus muscle, it tends to stretch slightly, but it contracts more.

Trendelenburg sign

It is caused by weakness of the gluteus Medius or gluteus minimums.

A way of walking that shakes the buttocks sideways when walking, but the difference from the model’s way of walking is

The Trendelenburg gait is a gait in which the buttocks are slumped downward.

By the way, the model rises in the opposite direction.

We suggest Buttock workout at home Article

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